Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Positive Visions of Victorious Conclusions,

To all who are Concerned;

The Broome community is seeking support to initiate and consolidate a national and international campaign to stop the proposed LNG development at James Price Point. We are grateful for those organisations and individuals who have actively contributed to opposing this proposed development. However, it is our considered opinion that a stronger, synchronsised collaboration between all environmental and human rights orgainisations needs to be immediately activated on a regional, national and international level.

We, the people of the Dampier Peninsular need all the major organisations to unite with each other and the locals to spearhead a national campaign, with a global focus to stop this development. Now is the time to work much more closely, share and pool our resources, skills, knowledge and energy, in order for us to build a campaign that is unyielding and determined in our anticipated outcomes. Strong participation from all sections of the global community is urgently needed to support the people on the ground and create an unbending approach that has a collective ambition: a Kimberley free from industrialisation!

Lurujarri Global Walk
• Traditional Custodians, Locals and regional Environmental group initiatives to be supported and encouraged by the larger national environmental and human rights’ organisations. The Lurujarri Global Walk, currently planned for June next year, needs to be supported by all national organisations and their entire membership in order to attract thousands of people from all corners of Australia and the world to ensure this is a history making walk of global significance. (This Global Walk will have its own Website in the coming week, so stay tuned for that address)

Direct Non-Violent Action Workshops
• To build our capacity as a movement to defend Country, we urgently need experienced assistance, skilled facilitators and knowledge on direct action techniques.

Community Education
• Greater access to education, resources, knowledge and information about the proposal, the social, economic and environmental ramifications and the pending damaging results. Public displays and forums are effective methods of educating the broader community and need to be ongoing. Websites and Blogs are another useful tool in reaching the populace. Membership drives in like minded organisations will also assist.

In a joint media release on the 4th of December, 2009, Environs Kimberley, Conservation Council WA and The Wilderness Society stated that if the Resources Minister Martin Ferguson will force industrial LNG development on the pristine Kimberley coast ahead of an environmental assessment it demonstrates reckless disregard for environmental laws, and opens the door for legal challenge. Is being challenged?

It is proving easy for the state government to keep us ill-informed and ill-advised about this proposed Kimberley LNG Precinct. As a small remote community, we are inexperienced to navigate through the potential aftermath. If the development is approved, Broome will battle against a juggernaut of avarice that will flood into our community, bringing with it a mentality and a social direction that is totally contradictory to how, we as a community wish to function.

We are asking organisations to appeal to their networks in entirety. The time frame on these actions is immediate. Please make this a matter of priority today and get this call for support out to your membership and networks.

With positive visions of victorious conclusions,

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