Thursday, September 23, 2010


Agenda - Ordinary Meeting of the Broome Council Council 30 September 2010 Page 63

LOCATION/ ADDRESS: Lot No 259 James Prices Point
APPLICANT: Woodside Energy Ltd on behalf of the State of Western

AUTHOR: Manager Planning Services
CONTRIBUTOR/S: Lankester Planning Services on behalf of Woodside
Energy Ltd
RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Director Development Services
DATE RECEIVED: 16 September 2010

SUMMARY: Woodside Energy Ltd proposes to develop three (3) Drill Pad sites, two (2)
Turkey Nest Dams and provide transportable accommodation for a workforce to undertake hydrogeological investigations for a temporary period being a minimum of three (3) months and up to a maximum period of nine (9) months. This is part of the investigations and surveys associated with the proposed Browse LNG Precinct at James Prices Point. The hydrogeological investigations will involve drilling boreholes on the drill pad site to assess the availability of a reliable ground water supply for the proposed LNG plant and facilities. The turkey nest dams will store water pumped from the bore holes and the transportable buildings will provide accommodation for the workforce to undertake the investigations on a 24 hours basis.

The item is brought to Council for consideration as the land falls within the Shire of Broome’s Interim Development Order No 4 (IDO4).

It is recommended that Council support the development.

Previous Considerations
OCM 29 October 2009 Item 9.3.11 (Meteorological Tower – temporary)

Site and Surrounds
James Price Point is located approximately 60 kilometres north of Broome. The site on which Woodside intend to construct the drill pad sites and turkey nest dams is approximately 4.5km south of James Prices Point and 1.5km east of the Manari Road and east of the existing Meteorological Tower onsite, which was approved by Council in October 2009. The location falls within the proposed Browse LNG Development site. The land comprises natural vegetation, which consists of eucalyptus and acacia woodlands

See Attachment 1: Location Map

Description of the Proposal
It is proposed to construct three Drill Pad sites, two Turkey Nest Dams and Accommodation for the drilling workforce – these are required for the hydrogeological investigations being undertaken onsite. These investigations will assess the availability of reliable groundwater supplies for the proposed LNG Precinct, which will be used for the processing facilities, potable water for the workforce and/or low salinity water for construction activities, such as compaction and dust suppression. The Department of Water requires Woodside to undertake and to produce a hydrogeological model to support a future application for a licence to ‘take water’ for the purpose of the water supply for the proposed LNG Precinct.

Woodside propose to undertake hydrogeological investigations over a minimum period of 3 months and up to a maximum of 9 months, commencing mid October 2010
The proposal includes the following:

• Clearing a 5m wide access track, approximately 1.5km in length, eastwards from Manari Road to establish the Drill Pad sites and Turkey Nest Dams.
• The Drill Pads are situated approximately 200metres apart and located on the north side of the access track and the Two ‘Turkey Nest’ Dams are within 50m – 200m of the Drill Pad sites and situated on the south side of the access track.

Three Drill Pad Sites
• The vegetation is cleared and topsoil removed to establish three Drill Pad sites, each with an area of 70 metres x 70 metres, which will accommodate a drilling area of 50m x 55m, surrounded by a 1.8m high cyclone mesh fence or galvanized steel fence with locked gates. The Fencing is proposed for security, public safety and fauna protection. A 5m –10m wide firebreak surrounds the drilling area. The Drill Pad sites will also stockpile the topsoil and mulched vegetation, which will be used to revegetate the site at the conclusion of the drilling.

• Drilling will target two aquifers - the ‘Broome Sandstone’ and the ‘Wallal Sandstone’. A third aquifer (the Grant Group) may be drilled however, this option is considered unlikely. The investigations will include water quality, quantity, water temperature and rate of water flow and drilling will continue for 24 hours a day.
• One or two mobile drilling rigs will be used to drill bores holes within each of the three Drill Pad sites. Up to two Drill Pad sites will be operative for drilling at any one time. Associated mobile drilling equipment, one or two workshop/sea containers water tanks, and fuel storage tanks, with associated bunding, will be located temporarily on a Drill Pad site within the fenced area during the drilling operations.

‘Turkey Nest’ Dams
• Each dam is identified within an area of 180 metres x180 metres and within this area; a dam of approximately 125 metres x 150 metres will be created by clearing the vegetation and excavating to approximately 5m in depth with the excavated soil used to create the dam embankments. The site is relatively flat, however any elevated ground will be used to facilitate the dam walls.
• Vegetation which is removed from the area of the dam will be mulched and stockpiled beside the dam and will be used to revegetate the site when the dam is removed.
• Each dam will be fenced with a 1.8m high cyclone mesh fence or galvanized steel fence with locked gates. Fencing is proposed for security, public safety and fauna protection.
• The water produced during the test pumping from the bores will be collected in the Turkey Nest dam/s. The dam/s will be lined with an impermeable layer to ensure that any saline water produced from the bores will be collected in the dam/s and not contaminate the shallow freshwater aquifer. Alternatively any freshwater encountered in the bores may be discharged into nearby creek lines or surrounding bush.
• One dam is required, however depending upon the rate of flow and water quality during drilling, it may be necessary to construct a second dam. Two sites are identified for the dams and planning approval is sought for both dams.

• Transportable Buildings for the workforce Accommodation

• Transportable buildings will be used to accommodate up to 25 persons associated with the drilling which will operate on a shift basis over a 24 hour period. The onsite accommodation will avoid extended travelling to and from Broome for the workforce and will address occupation, health and safety issues for the workers. The transportable buildings - Accommodation/sleeping rooms, Ablution facilities – toilets, showers, wash basins, laundry, ‘Mess’ facilities – kitchen, dining and a Recreation block – will be appropriately cyclone rated and secured with appropriate footings. The specific details of transportable buildings will be provided at the building licence stage.
• The Transportable buildings will be established on a Drill Pad site, when the pad site is not in use for drilling. The buildings will be periodically relocated to an alternate Drill Pad site as drilling operations move between the three Drill Pad sites.
• The accommodation site will be fully serviced with power from a generator, water from the ‘potable water’ bore established as part of the drilling activities and/or from water trucked from Broome, waste water will be collected into holding tanks onsite, rubbish collected and removed from the site, and fire fighting equipment for the accommodation and the drilling activities.

Attachment 2: - Submission “Turkey Nest’ Dams, ‘Drill Pad Sites” and Onsite Workforce

Planning Provisions
The land is included in Interim Development Order No 4 and therefore Council approval is required.

Planning Approval for Clearing Drilling and Dams JPP-1

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