Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is really happening at James Price Point? No equipment, No work!

After hearing from the head pilot from the Broome Community No Gas Campaign’s air force, it has become quite clear that Woodside’s exist from Country on Monday was not due to the fire risk. The fire is no where in sight and the weather is perfect.

Given the fact that Country has suffered a whole lattice of clearing by Woodside and that these grid-lines can very effectively act also as fire breaks it seems very unlikely that Woodside and all its heavy earth moving equipment was taken out of Country for that reason.

According to Woodside Update:

NOTE: A number of our onshore activities have been put on hold due to a bushfire currently burning in the vicinity of James Price Point. The safety of our people and contractors is paramount and we will only return to work as soon as it is safe to do so.

The question needs to be asked, why take out the water trucks and leave a fuel container, if you are really worried about fire?

Mr Coleman, from Woodside said today that the “geotechnical survey work had been delayed by weather and other factors” – what are the other (true) factors? Maybe this really is a question for their shareholders and the stock market.

Considering, how hard and how aggressive Woodside has pushed to get into Country its exceedingly surprising that their lay down compound area currently looks like Woodside have virtually packed up, turned around and moved out of Country.

Even the support vessels that were accompanying the jack-up rig (that still sits, on a strange angle, right out the front of Walmandan) are no where in sight today. Two hostiles (Environmental Services) people were placed at James Price Point, two others were lurking around the illegal gate to the compound and two others seeking shade in the compound.

What are the real reasons for Woodside’s hasty retreat on Monday and how is this living up to Coleman’s claims today: we are “catching up very quickly to our FID process.” How are they achieving this when they are not in Country and are no longer working?

A current rumor that is floating around is that the Department of Main Roads has put all stops to the development for the 19 kilometer, 120 million dollar road to the proposed LNG precinct. Is this true? Maybe questions need to be asked by shareholders and stakeholders.

Whatever the real reasons, Woodside can rest assured that they will not be able to bring all this equipment back into Country without the Broome Community once again blockading their machinery and workforce, challenging their criminal behaviors and questioning the WA government’s total lack of governance over them.

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