Friday, November 25, 2011

Woodside illegally blocks access to unallocated Crown Land- James Price Point- The Kimberley - YouTube

Woodside illegally blocks access to unallocated Crown Land- James Price Point- The Kimberley - YouTube

These are the people hired by Woodside to facilitate the illegal destruction of Australia's last remaining wilderness, the Kimberley. They refuse to identify themselves or the company they work for. They are illegally blocking our access to unallocated Crown Land with 2 of their cars, and an illegally locked gate..we have repeatedly asked them to move. They will not. This happens daily, the police do nothing. Ensues a discussion between us and them about the part they are CHOOSING to play by working for some company hired by Woodside. Note when valid and true facts as points are discussed like the dinasour foot prints, their arguments turn personal. They have no come back. It is an interesting and scary insight into their "trust the government" mentality. Anyone whom has studied ANY or just read ANY kind of history about ANYTHING knows the government cannot and should not be trusted. As time goes on and the government pander more and more to corporations whom have more and more influence in decision making about our future we need to fight like lions against this misconception that the government cares for us. Our ignorance is their power. Peace out.

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